Fish Value addition Project
Enhancing Production of Value Added Processed Fish Products among Post-Primary Youths and Young Mothers in Tanzania
Enhancing Production of Value - Added Processed Fish Products among Post-Primary Youths and Young Mothers in Tanzania is project aiming to offer non – formal skills based training in fish processing (value-addition) to Post Primary Youth, Young Mothers and People with Disability. It is one-year project funded by Skills Development under Tanzania Education Authority under the pilot phase of the implementation of skills development projects in Tanzania. The project is based on agriculture (agro processing) focused on produced various processed products will promote sustainable use of lake resources and increasing value chain through reduction of post-harvest loss which is among major challenges affecting fishers and fish vendor.
This project is implemented in Lake Zone centered at IAE Mwanza Campus located at Luchele Nyamagana along the shore of Lake Victoria. The area was selected based on the availability of fish resources and existence of many youth and young mother who are engaged in fishing and fish enterprise. The project is expected to produce skilled workforce which is capable employing themselves in fish processing and being employed in fish processing industries.
Major activities of the project involve building capacity of worker through training, constructing infrastructure for fish processing, review curriculum, training youth and young mothers and procure teaching and learning resource.
It is expecting that, the project contributes in the country development through creation of skilled workforce